1 877 860-1412

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    Protects your co-owners association and its personal property against material damage or bodily injury that might be unintentionally caused to others.

    Protects you and your co-owners against financial consequences in case of errors committed by your administration.


    Expensive machines, electrical systems and boilers will be covered by this protection.

    One of the most frequent claims.

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    Covers your condo association’s property in the event of damage caused by fire, theft, and vandalism.

    Scientists warn that the Province of Quebec might be at risk of experiencing a major earthquake soon. Be insured !

    Floods are going to be more and more common. Flood insurance should never be omitted.

    C’est l’assurance permettant au syndicat de se couvrir contre des vols ou détournements monétaires de ses employés ou de tiers.

    Covers condo fees the association would not be able to collect in case of damages caused to different units.  


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